Importance of Yajna (July 2005)

Yajna and Agni have special place in lives of Hindus. We perform Yajna at all the auspicious events of our lives– be it birth of child, marriage ceremony, or house warming. Despite such a significant role, Yajna, perhaps, is one of least understood rituals. Some dismiss it calling it wastage of ghee, samagri and money. There is a need to

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Importance of Thinking (June 2005)

All of us are thinking machines. We are thinking all the time – either consciously or sub-consciously. The kind of thinking we entertain has profound impact on our lives. We become what we think most of time. Any and every great – or shameless – event starts from a tiny thought. In our Vedic culture, sages have placed high importance

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Lord Krishna (April 2005)

Krishna was a dynamic incarnation (Avatar) of Lord Vishnu. Krishna’s incarnation brought a powerful influence upon Indian thought and life. Every aspect of Krishna’s life and deeds is a symbol indicating a subtle truth. Lord Krishna is represented in different forms in different pictures. Each form signifies meanings and teachings. In all the representations, there are some common attributes. Krishna’s

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Lord Shiva (February 2005)

When we invoke Lord Shiva, we are reminded of His divine power (Shiv Shakti) of rewarding the good and destroying the evil. When we study Lord Shiva’s picture, we find that there is a message in each symbol that adorns the image. 1.     The Water of the Ganges from the head has four messages for us. a.     It is very

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Ganesha Prayer (January 2005)

The first assignment of year 2005 for kids is “Ganesha”. There is an assignment for parents, too. Please help kids cut and paste a nice small picture of Ganesha in their journal. The mantra of the month is: VAKRA TUNDA MAHAA KAAYAA SURYA KOTI SAMA PRABHAA NIRVIGHNAM KURU MEY DEVA SARVA KARYESHU SARVADAA Meaning: O Lord Ganesha! The one with

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Revision (December 2004)

The assignment for this month is to review what we have learned this entire year. It is essential that kids understand the meanings of mantras they recite. As Auntieji suggested, this month kids should go over the mantras they have learned. In addition, please revise the topics we have covered throughout the year. Let kids pick the topic(s) of their

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Gratitude (November 2004)

This month’s topic for kids is Gratitude. In plain terms, gratitude means being thankful from heart. Could there be a better time for reflecting upon this topic than the month of Thanksgiving! Lets take this opportunity to discuss – and in the process imbibe – the values of gratitude in our lives. Lets sit with our kids and share our

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