Gratitude (November 2004)

This month’s topic for kids is Gratitude. In plain terms, gratitude means being thankful from heart. Could there be a better time for reflecting upon this topic than the month of Thanksgiving! Lets take this opportunity to discuss – and in the process imbibe – the values of gratitude in our lives. Lets sit with our kids and share our

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Indian Festivals (October 2004)

Probably, it is not an exaggeration to call India a country of festivals. Indian festivals are large in number and extremely diverse in nature, like festivals belonging to various religious beliefs, national and regional significant events, seasonal and sometime family traditions. These festivals not only bring excitement and thrill but also make our lives colorful. They remind us of our

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Law of Giving (September 2004)

We make a living by what we earn – we make a life by what we give –        Winston Churchill Giving and receiving are part of nature’s cycle. Whenever someone receives something, there is someone who has decided to give. Therefore, the desire to give should be as natural as expectation of receiving. Another interpretation of this law is you

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Law of Karma (August 2004)

As You Sow So Shall You Reap Law of Karma means that man reaps the fruits according to his actions. We find many examples of action and its fruit. He who does not walk with care on the road meets with an accident; one who eats too much becomes ill; a student who does not work for his examination fails;

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Good Company (July 2004)

Company of good persons is the root of all happiness and well-being. While association with evil persons leads to misery – Tulsidas. A person either follows the good road in life or the crooked path. The kind of path a person follows depends on the company he keeps. What type of a person one will turn out to be depends

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The Ideology of Swami Dayanand (May 2004)

There is lot of good literature available on the net on Swami Dayananda Saraswati and his teachings. However, one site,, stands apart. Please take your time to visit this site. TRUTH To speak of, write about, and believe in a thing as it is constitutes Truth. The human soul possesses the capacity for ascertaining truth. Differences among the learned

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Ahimsa (April 2004)

Meaning Of Ahimsa Ahimsa means to treat all living beings with love without a trace of jealousy or anger. Ways of Living Ahimsa First way to live a life of Ahimsa is to know and understand the evils, which arise from violence. One way to control violence is to think of others as you think of yourself. Second way is

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Importance of Prayer (March 2004)

Prayer is one of the most important rituals for mankind. With prayer not only we seek God’s blessings but also thank Him for all the good fortunes He bestowed on us. Prayer is the expression of gratitude. There are prayers for different occasions and events. Every Hindu ritual starts with prayer. There are prayers for morning, prayers for meal, prayers

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God (February 2004)

God controls the whole universe. He created the world & also takes care of it. Everything in this universe is under his power. Every thing in this world is created and done according to His wishes. God is omnipresent. He is in hearts of all. God exists in both the smallest and the largest objects of the world. There is

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Indian Scriptures (January 2004)

Indian scriptures are grouped in following seven major categories: 1. Vedas o       Rig Veda – General Knowledge o       Yajur Veda – Knowledge of Karma o       Sam Veda – Knowledge of Worship o       Atharva Veda – Knowledge of Science 2. Upnishads o       Philosophy of Life and commentary of Vedas 3. Ramayana o       True Story of Lord Rama 4. Mahabharata o       The

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