Mid-Year Revision (June 2022)
Dear Hawan Kids,
Hope all of you are doing fine and ready to have fun on our first in-person Hawan, which we will have after a gap of over two years. And, of course, let’s not forget about the summer picnic that we will have on the same day after the Hawan.
As communicated before, this month, you will review the lessons we learnt in the first half of the year. While you are expected to review all the topics that were covered this year, you will present the summary of the learnings. I will request you to focus on the principles and points that resonate the most with you. If you have missed any hawan earlier this year, you will cover the topic of that month. Either way, whatever topic or learning you pick please share your personal perspectives and real life examples.
I will appreciate if multiple kids in a family can put a joint article/speech. You can present it by either dividing the article to go one after the other or going back-and-forth among siblings. Choose whatever method is most convenient to you. Finally, I will request you to keep the overall length of your combined presentation to around 5 minutes.
As always, I am looking forward to your unique reflections. Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.
Harsh Mendiratta
PS: here I am sharing the links to this year’s articles:
· Arya Samaj and Swami Dayanand Saraswati (Hawan.net)
· सब सत्यविद्या और जो पदार्थ विद्या से जाने जाते हैं, उन सब का आदि मूल परमेश्वर है (https://hawan.net/?p=954)
· Do We Know God (https://hawan.net/?p=973)
· The Vedas are the scriptures of all true knowledge (https://hawan.net/?p=971)
· Be ready to accept the truth & leave the untruth (https://hawan.net/?p=967)