India – My Identity and Pride (August 2022)

Namaste Kids,

Earlier this month, India completed 75 years as an independent nation. We also celebrated this event by dedicating our 2022 Annual Preeti Bhoj to this once-in-a-lifetime event. Continuing on the theme, this month’s article is also going to be on India. This month, you will write on India – My Identity and Pride.

Even though we may be celebrating the completion of 75 years of India’s independence, India is one of the world’s oldest civilizations, if not the only. India’s rich and deep heritage boasts of a beautiful confluence of customs, traditions, culture, and spiritual values. Be it knowledge (the oldest books of knowledge are the Vedas), art, architecture, science, mathematics, medicine, history, ideal men, leaders, sages, spirituality, religions, civilization, there are endless stories to tell about India.

In this month’s article, you will cover at least the following points:

  1. Introduction of India
    · A couple of sentences in your own language. It needs to be an answer that you will give to anyone asking who about India.
  2. Why India is so dear
    · Again, the answer to this must be very personal and authentic. Think what makes India so dear to you.
  3. What differentiates a Janambhumi from Karmbhumi
    · Janambhumi – a place you or your parents are born and whose customs and values are your identity
    · Karambhumi – a place where you or your parents arrived to earn livelihood
    · We must love and be loyal to the both
  4. India’s beauty in physical and cultural diversity
    · Talk about multiple languages, diverse customs, rich festival and continuous festivities
    · A country with a rich and diverse landscape. It is not only fascinating but eye opening too that as you go from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari, you come across almost every possible landscape that the world has.
  5. India’s values
    · When talking about India’s values you can share stories of Shravan Kumar (an ideal son), Bharat (an ideal brother)
  6. India’s knowledge – a gift India gave to the world
    · The Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Ayurveda, Darshan (the books of philosophy), Books of medicine, inventions and discovery in Mathematics etc.
  7. India’s thinking (towards society)
    · Helping the poor, welcoming guests, treating teachers like God, considering society as family etc.
  8. India’s great men, sages, leaders
    · Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Hanuman, Swami Dayanand Saraswati etc.
    · Not only these great men served the society then but their life stories are also inspiring us even today.
  9. How to stay connected with India
    · India visits, reading about India, discussing India’s history with parents and learned people, learning about India culture, values and heritage through different means like going to temples, hosting and actively participating in religious and cultural events etc.

As you can see, this list can go on and on. Such is our country! I look forward to hearing your views on India.

Harsh Mendiratta

PS: Knowing there can be a lot to talk about, I will request you to make your article more personal and keep the points brief. You should be able to read the complete article in 4 to 5 minutes. Make us proud.