समझदार को इशारा और बेवकूफ को फटकारा (August 2021)

Idiom of this month is “समझदार को इशारा और बेवकूफ को फटकारा“. An equivalent english of this proverb is ‘A nod to the wise and a rod to the foolish’. It means that while it may take lots of efforts and energy to interact with a foolish person, you can easily and effortlessly communicate and interact with wise persons. All

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As You Sow, So Shall You Reap – जैसा बोओगे वैसा पाओगे (May 2021)

In the Hindi language, there is a common saying जैसा बोओगे वैसा पाओगे (as you sow, so shall you reap). But reaping is not a simple act of sowing. There is a long journey between sowing and reaping. While this saying is very powerful and underlines the importance of good acts, our focus in this month’s assignment is on the

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Big Name but Small Reality – नाम बड़े और दर्शन छोटे (March 2021)

For the past several weeks, hype has been building for a particular movie: jazzy ads are also running on tv and internet. With every passing day, you are becoming curious and excited about the release. You have made the plans with your family and friends – and booked the tickets. The day arrives and you reach the theatre. The movie

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Licking Dew does not Quench Thirst – ओस चाटने से प्यास नहीं बुझती (February 2021)

Learning jumps from ordinary to extraordinary when a student can see beyond the facts, apply the acquired knowledge in different fields, and compare and contrast the points across similar looking yet different matters. At this stage, not only the knowledge gets wholly assimilated into the learner’s character, but it also turns into wisdom. This month, the Hawan kids will focus

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ओस चाटने से प्यास नहीं बुझती – A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan (January 2021)

Namaste Kids, While it was just the last month when we had our end-of-the-year event, somehow it seems quite far off. Hope you are doing fine. The idiom for this month’s assignment is “ओस चाटने से प्यास नहीं बुझती”. Its literal meaning is licking dew does not quench thirst. Pretty odd, right? Here, it is not the literal meaning but

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