Revision – पुनरावृति (December, 2018)

Namaste Kids,

For the last two years, the theme of your assignments has been to identify and remove vices from life. Every year, as part of the December assignment, we review our year long learning. This year, however, we will revise our learnings from the last two years. The purpose is twofold: one, without the revision (पुनरावृति), the learned topic is likely to be forgotten; two, we need to identify the topics that resonated with us and take deliberate actions to make them part of our life.

I am expecting you to share your understanding of no more than two topics in multiple, creative ways: e.g., presentations, skits, poems, posters and projects. The idea is to present what you learnt in a creative and effective manner – with confidence and ease.

Please pick no more than two topics from the last two years. These are the topics or vices that you want to work on personally. Second, rather than talking about them from a 3rd-person tone, present them from 1st-person tone. That is, talk about why that topic is important for you; since learning about it in the last two years, has there been any improvement; and, how you plan to make more significant and permanent changes in your life.

Please keep your presentation to around 5 minutes. I will also encourage siblings/friends to present together, if possible.

If you plan to showcase your item as a powerpoint presentation, please email your presentation at least a day in advance.

We are proud of you – make us even more proud 🙂

Harsh Mendiratta