Satyarth Prakash (November 2013)
Namaskar Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in sending this month’s article. The article for this month is “Satyarth Prakash”.
It is a scripture written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, founder of Arya Samaj. Satyarth Prakash clarifies Vedic principles. During Middle Ages of Indian history, many faiths and sects sprang up in Hindu society. They drifted away from Vedic teachings. Differences among these faiths divided the Hindu society and made it weak. Caste system became strong and further divided the Hindu society. It was at this time that Swami Dayanand wrote the Satyarth Prakash to spread the knowledge of the Vedas. Some of the important topics in the Satyarth Prakash are
1. Explanation of Vedic Principles
2. Relationship between Religion and Science and between devotion and intellect.
3. Elimination of caste system and different religious beliefs for the strengthening of society.
4. Eradication of superstitions, false notions and meaningless customs.
5. Promoting brotherhood and shunning narrow-mindedness.
Please assist kids in researching more about the topic.
Renu Mendiratta