Summary of 2011 topics (December 2011)
Namaste everybody,
What a beautiful and colorful experience we had this year as we went on a whirlwind tour of the world exploring Hinduism! Kids have done a marvelous job in describing the religious beliefs and cultural practices observed by Hindus in different parts of India, USA, and rest of the world. On this trip, while learning a great deal about our heritage we built a better appreciation of the diversity of individual regions – from famous temples, Gods/Goddesses, festivals, landscapes, traditional clothing, languages, dances to regional music & food.
Continuing on the tradition of revising the year-long learning on the last month of the year in the form of presentations, skits, poems, posters and projects, this month, kids will share their understanding using different modes.
We are looking forward to creative ideas and presentations. Make us proud!
Note: If you are doing a power point, please bring it in a USB drive.