Do Good and Forget – नेकी कर दरिया में डाल (October 2020)

नेकी कर दरिया में डाल (Neki Kar Dariya Mein Daal) is the idiom of the month. While it is not in pure Hindi, it is one of the famous Indian idioms that captures the essence of a powerful life as well as spiritual lesson. In this idiom, there are two key words: Neki (which means auspicious deed; and in Hindi

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Being Manipulative – अपना उल्लू सीधा करना (September 2020)

As you know, the current theme for the monthly assignments is to expand on various Hindi idioms and proverbs. In addition to building a better understanding of the Hindi language and achieving deftness in the writing and speaking skills, these topics also help in gaining the deep philosophical teachings in those idioms. And, intuitively, these assignments help in gaining the

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Ek aur ek gyarah hote hain – एक और एक ग्यारह होते हैं (August 2020)

Continuing on the theme of Hindi proverb and idioms, the topic for this month’s assignment is to review and expand on the phrase Ek aur ek gyarah hote hain (एक और एक ग्यारह होते हैं). Does one and one really make eleven? One would say one and one make two – at least arithmetically. Then, doesn’t 1+1=11 seem absurd? That’s what

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention – आवश्यकता आविष्कार की जननी है (May 2020)

In the majority of the discussions I recently had with family or friends, one particular idiom has been quoted the most. Be it the work environment, schooling from home, shopping with social distancing, modification to daily routines, or interactions with family and friends, people are discovering newer, sometimes novel, ways to cope with the situation. Yes, you may have guessed

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This too shall pass – यह समय भी बीत जाएगा (April 2020)

“This too shall pass” (यह समय भी बीत जाएगा) is the topic of assignment for this month. There are at least two angles to look at this idiom: one is obvious; the other, not so. But, both have deep spiritual significance. In the age of COVID-19 spread, this month’s topic, its different interpretations, and the lessons we draw from it become

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Seeking, feeling, and staying positive amid Corona Outbreak (March, 2020)

Namaste Dear Hawan Group Members and My Dear Kids,   I would not start my message by saying “How are you?”. Everyone is home, adults are working while kids are attending school remotely. There is almost no contact (i.e., in person contact) with anyone outside. Kids cannot meet their friends and adults cannot meet their colleagues. Irrespective of one’s age

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घर का भेदी लंका ढाये – An insider can cause unimaginable damage (February 2020)

“I will tell you a secret, but promise me you will not share it with anyone, no matter what!” “Yes, I promise.” “Sure?” “Yes, absolutely! You know me very well – I am your BFF!” “Ok, ok!”   You will be excused if you think that the above dialog is from a movie scene of a high-school drama or a

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“बूँद बूँद से घड़ा भरता है” – Drop-by-drop Fills A Pitcher (January 2020)

Namaste Hawan Kids,   After spending the last year learning a number of key mantras of Agnihotra Yagna, our theme for 2020 is हिंदी मुहावरों में छिपा ज्ञान (Hidden Knowledge in Hindi Idioms). While there are thousands of Hindi idioms, we will pick only one each month as the assignment topic and, then, go in its details, understanding its obvious

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