QUESTION BANK (December 2006)

What is yoga? Yoga means union. In religion, Yoga means union of soul with God. Name eight limbs of yoga? Yam, Niyam, Aasan, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyan and Smadhi. What are five Yam? Satya (truthfulness), Ahinsa (non-violence), asteya (non-stealing), brahamcharya (celibacy), aparigrah (non-covetousness) What are five Niyam? Sauch (Purity), Santosh (Contentment), Tapa (Austerity), Swadhyaya (Study of Vedic literature), Ishwar Pranidhan

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Samadhi (November 2006)

Samadhi is the final state of meditation in yoga. Samadhi means “to bring together, to merge.” In this state of Samadhi the body and senses are at rest, as if asleep, yet the mind and reason are alert, as if awake; one goes beyond consciousness. It is final experience in which yogi attains to a state of perfection. The achievement

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Dhyaan (October 2006)

Dhyaan is the seventh limb of yoga. When mind is fully engaged on a particular thought or idea without interruption, it is said to be in Dhyaan. In this state person forgets its surroundings, his body or anything that is connected with him. During meditation mind should be fixed on the work of God. Fix thoughts on Gayatri Mantra together

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Dharana (September 2006)

Dharana means withdrawing your mind from outside objects and fixing it on an idea or image. In concentration all the rays of mind are collected and fixed on a center or an idea. No painter, sculptor, musician, sportsman, or student can hope to succeed if his mind is not engaged in the task on hand. So, in yoga also, concentration

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Pratyahara (July 2006)

Self-control – the fifth limb of Yoga What is Pratyahara Pratyahara means disengagement of the senses from their objects of attachment. Every sense has objects of natural inclination. These natural inclinations if not controlled can be quite distracting. For example, any pleasing – or annoying – sound can easily divert the attention of a person from whatever he or she

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Pranayama (June 2006)

(Breath Control – the fourth limb of Yoga) Pranayama is a special method of breath-control with which life-force is brought under control and made regular. This is achieved by controlling the incoming and outgoing breath. How can we perform Pranayama? There are three main stages: Purak: This is the way of drawing in breath slowly. Stambhak: This is retention of

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AASAN (April 2006)

(Postures – the third limb of Yoga) Aasans are a system of exercises to make all parts of the body strong and healthy. Out of eight limbs of Yoga, it is one of the widely known and practiced aspects. Aasan regulate breathing, ensure proper digestion of food and increase longevity. The eventual purpose of Aasan is to calm the mind

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Niyam (The second limb of Yoga) (March 2006)

Niyam are the second part of Yoga. They are articles of personal discipline. Here are five niyam: Sauch (Purity) Santosh (Contentment) Tapa (Austerity) Swadhyaya (Study of Vedic literature) Ishwar Pranidhan (Surrender to God) Sauch (Purity): It means purity or cleanliness. It is of two types: External cleanliness and internal purity. External cleanliness means cleanliness of body, clothes, surroundings, food and

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Yoga (January 2006)

What is Yoga? The word Yoga means to unite, to join, or to bring together. It is the control of the activity of mind. Yoga is that knowledge or practice by means of which human being attains union with God. It is Yoga that shows us the path of God-realization. By following the path of Yoga the body becomes healthy

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